My night time routine

One thing that I believe is important to do (at least every week) is reflection.

I sit now at the end of my day and I reflect on how productive I was.

And I write it all down in a journal I keep by my bed.

Sometimes I ponder life’s trickiest questions.

Why am I doing the things that I do?

Why do I think this way and not that way?

What is the tip of a shoelace called?

Usually I reach some sort of conclusion by the end of the page

Its called an aglet BTW.

Reflection is important when optimizing for personal growth.

You need to know what you don’t know.

It sounds a but confusing so let me elaborate.

There’s all the stuff you know; everything you feel confident about.

And all the stuff you don’t know; everything that scares you or anything makes you feel uneasy in the core of your chest.

When you know what you don’t know then you can make a plan to learn about it and grow.

So tonight before you go to bed think about all the stuff you dont know and are scared to do then reply to this email with what you find.

I am interested to see what we have in common.

Until next time,
