The Beautiful Problem with Science...

Yes, your eyes do not deceive you, there is a big problem with science (and the scientific method)…

A problem that gives science its beauty.

What is it?

At first this might not make sense but stick with me.

Science is up to interpretation…

Which means two people can draw different conclusions from the same evidence.

For example: In WW2 the British wanted their planes to stop being shot down (pretty crazy, right).

So, when the British examined the plans that made it back home they saw that they were full of bullet holes, and 99% of the engineers said

“lets fortify the places where they were shot so they will be protected“

But there was one man who was smarter then the rest, and he said:

“NO, lets fortify the places where they were not shot because when they get hit there, they don’t come back“

This happens all the time in the scientific community.

Except, most times, when someone comes around with a big contradiction like that, no one believes them at first.

It happened to Gregor Mendel, (who did some interesting work with genetics and inheritance).

The importance of his work was only recognized 16 years after he died and 34 years after he published his work.

Imagine if it took that long for the British engineers to figure out their problem.

“Okay John, thats all fine and dandy, but what does it mean for me?“

I’m glad you asked, Because I will tell you…

What it means is that if we want to peruse the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, we have to take science with a grain of salt.

We have to ask questions and be cautious every time they (the establishment) do something new or say something is fact like oh, I don’t know…

Make a vaccine in 6 months and tell the whole world that its safe for everyone.

Does that make sence?

I had this thought this morning while ridding my bike, and I cant wait to see what the rest of this day has in store.

I hope you also have a great day full of skepticism.

Until next time,



Please DM me on X (twitter) @johnferreboeuf if this did not make sence or if you have any questions.